Late Summer Snap Shots

Summer is ending here in the Pacific Northwest and the early hints of Autumn are tapping at the window. Cooler mornings, yellow-tipped trees, corn and peaches everywhere I look. And the telltale sign that summer is over? My kiddos are back in school. If I could write an ode to free mornings without kids, I would.

My kitchen is overflowing with amazing local, organic produce. We are swimming in goodness - mostly gifts of food from neighbors and friends. And because of this bounty, everything in my kitchen seems to be in a state of light decay, screaming "Do something with me right now!!"

I have spent hours upon hours in the kitchen this month canning and freezing food for the winter. And you know what? I love it! I get downright giddy when I see all those beautiful jars of peach butter and apple and pear sauces tucked away in my basement cold storage. My freezer is full of pitted apricots, cherries, peaches, and more. I'm so grateful. 

Today I walked around my home with a camera. I wanted to capture a few snapshots of our house when it is not perfectly tidy but rather when it's in a state of use. This is when I find my home to be most beautiful - pillows squished beneath the weight of resting bodies, countertops covered with projects, tea jars sitting in the sun. Today, I give gratitude for a full pantry, the changing season, and the home that shelters my dreams. 

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