A Someday Home Studio

As always, I'm in hot pursuit of "me space". I love my little office nook, shoved into a corner of my laundry room.  It's functional and practical.  I can write and work from home while keeping an eye on my kiddos.  But it also means that any work I do is littered with distractions, noise and the general hub-bub of my home.  This week I've been drooling over these amazing studio/office spaces, dreaming of a time when I might have, as Virginia Woolf once had, a room of my own.







This is my little makeshift office.  It's tucked into a small corner of my laundry room.  It's a bit cramped but seems to work well for the moment.  I sit at this desk all the time and would love to have a space that's more conducive to writing and other creative pursuits.  I want a real studio - a space that is all my own that supports my painting, my writing and my quiet time.  This will be a long term process, but my hope is to have a room of my own by this January. 

Photo by Valerie Dickman for Houzz.com