My Front Door

I've been threatening to paint my front door for a while and this weekend, I finally did it.  Well, I didn't do it myself -- my mama was in town and knocked it out for me.  Isn't she amazing?  After much thought and wavering, I decided on a turquoise blue. The color turned out a lot (a LOT) brighter than it appeared in the can.  I may tone it down a bit in the future, but for now - I like it.  Its very inviting and cheery and as my husband said, "I feel happy so walking up to the door!"

Of course, once the door was painted, it made the rest of my home's dirty facade look tired and a little clash-y.  So the blue chairs and the dirty shutters got a face lift too.  A few cans of spray paint and a high pressure wash for the brick and shutters was all that it needed.

...and here's the whole she-bang.

And just for some added cute factor, here's a snap shot of the boys 
sitting on the front stoop, with some help from my mama.


The house looked so inviting that even the crazy coot-duck-beasts 
that inhabit the pond across the street from came over for a visit.

P.S.  I thought I was stepping out - you know, striking out on my own with this unique paint color.   However, my father pointed out that I've just painted my door the same shade as his front door.  Click HERE to see the front of his place.   He's right - its exactly the same.  Maybe this color is like embedded code in my DNA.