Living the Dream

Yesterday, I posted about my dream home and today, I thought it would be nice to post about my real home.  Dreaming has always served me well, but I'm also a "love the one you're with" kind of gal. I've spent the last few days indoors due to severe weather conditions here in Dallas and I've had some time to putter and rearrange furniture.  Last week, we introduced a piano into our home.  It was a gift from a friend.  I don't know about you, but when a new piece of furniture arrives in my home, I start re-thinking my furniture layout.  So, I've puttered, I've tinkered, I've re-shuffled the deck and I've taken some photos.  No doubt, it would be wonderful to have an apartment in Paris.  However, dreaming of Paris reminded me that I am living my dream.  Right now.  It just happens to be in a ranch house in Dallas.

Piano and Orma's Painting

Piano Corner

Wicker Bench

Like most American dining rooms, ours is a multi-functional space.  In addition to eating meals, we also use the dining room for art projects, writing, working, surfing the web, play time, playing music, listening to music and general family lounging.

Dining Room and Entry

Desk Caddy

Side Board

Side Board Detail

Here is our living room.  We have a rotating art installation over the mantle -  my three year old son is always cranking out art work and this particle board allows me to tape up the masterpiece of the moment. 

Living Room


Mantle w/ Walker's Art

...and I'm still loving the throw pillows I recently made out of napkins.

Living Room

Coffee Table Detail

And just for fun, I'm using a vintage suitcase and Samsonite as a make-shift side table for the chair in my office.  I'm always looking for a place to set a glass and this works beautifully. 

Library Chair

Suitcases and Books

...and here my snow covered front yard this morning!

You can see more of my home via Flickr.
Thank you, dear readers, for allowing me to show you around my real dream home!